Some things change

Change defined, is in part, to become or to make someone or something different.

I have come to the belief that the word “change” scares the bejeebers out of some people, some who tend to be stuck in their ways. I of course accept change very easily. Except for Facebook and Google for ever changing their interfaces. And all the apps , and ..oh maybe I spoke too soon.

I had an employer that asked that I not use the word change. Did not matter that what was needed was a change,  just use a different word. Then in a hi-rise when I said some walls or pipes might have to change, because the stairs would not fit, the architect used the word massage (5a in link) the area. Ok, Whatever, geee.

Sometimes change is the addition of a child to a family.  A new home and the life from moving one place to another. When the move is of free choice, because of a change in a job, it can be good for some in the family. Yet all in the family may not be happy.

Then comes the job market and people forcing change for many reasons. The reasons for loosing a job really, do not matter to the people without work. They have to change. On the other side those people that caused the change care to different degrees, but their life is still is there.

To the attached words above in the image. There was the lack of light, (the dark, the night) Then there was light. There in, is change.

There was one law, man and woman did not obey, and there was a change. Then people were, and their ways were upsetting. Yet their was one man that stood out. One man, one rule, one tree.

(Read it aloud, and look up the words you do not know, both really can change ones view of the message)